Friday, December 16, 2011

Mid-term Assessment of BBfor2 Project

On a break at the mid-term assessment meeting. 

The mid-term assessment of BBfor2 project went smoothly, almost without incident. We were so happy that the assessor was also happy with our works and progress. We have still a half-way to go...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Workshop on Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics

Posing with all fellows and supervisors in the BBfor2 project.

Even though the workshop was only lasting for 1 day, we had a lot of interesting talks in the session. Ranging from automatic face recognition system for forensic biometrics, until Bayesian interpretation of forensic evidence and likelihood ratio calibration. Besides all those interesting talks, the venue itself was amazing. The workshop was taken place in Martigny, Switzerland, where we can see Mount-Blanc outside the window.