Wednesday, December 12, 2012

ASEAN-EU Year of Science, Technology, and Innovation

Posing in front of my poster at the ASEAN-EU conference in Brussels, December 2012.

I attended a conference on the ASEAN-EU cooperation in science, technology and innovation that focuses on health and food technologies. In this conference, I also had an opportunity to present my work as a PhD student entitled "Evaluation and calibration of modern speaker recognition systems in forensic conditions and applications". I join this conference as a representative of Marie-Curie fellows from the BBfor2 ITN project who come from Indonesia, one of the ASEAN countries. At the end of this conference I also have a chance to meet the SEA-EU-NET board members. Even if it's only for one time in my life, I am so happy to be inside the EU office as a representative of my home country, Indonesia.